Life in a Gun Shell is a weekly comic written by Andrew Mussey involving the trials and tribulations of living in an 8-bit world. A new strip is run every Friday.

Comic 1  -  Other Ideas on Rwanda
Comic 2  -  Bill Gates' Foundation goes to a better cause
Comic 3  -  We need an Ark.
Comic 4  -  Some things never change
Comic 5  -  "Jay Kay!"
Comic 6  -  Because you shouldn't put Greece on a Turkey
Comic 7  -  Psh... who's "social"?
Comic 8  -  Cap 'dat hoe
Comic 9  -  L0lz, pWnZd.
Comic 10  -  'Nsync? Gay? LIAR
Comic 11  - - for all your razor needs
Comic 12  -  Residual self image... sweet
Comic 13  -  Jerry! Jerry!
Comic 14  -  Warning: Beware of bears
Comic 15  -  Old country store my ass
Comic 16  -  Nothing like a child's laughter
Comic 17  -  Why Hitler doesn’t march
Comic 18  -  Never ride bear back
Comic 19  -  A millionaires dream gone wrong
Comic 20  -  Internet dating
Comic 21  -  The Revolution is on!
Comic 22  -  Because you suck.
Comic 23  -  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Comic 24  -  Textually active
Comic 25  -  You suck more
Comic 26  -  MySpace
Comic 27  -  The Exorcism Of Justin Timberlake
Comic 28  -  Who uses open source?
Comic 29  -  Profound events in history
Comic 30  -  In the Matrix - Dodge'n the bullet
Comic 31  -  No wonder those dots are neon...
Comic 32  -  Get your Election Day Special!
Comic 33  -  We all need 15 pounds of corn
Comic 34  -  The circle leads the way
Comic 35  -  Blame Bush!
Comic 36  -  Shit's goin' down!
Comic 37  -  Smell-O-Vision gone ary
Comic 38  -  So the fridge eloped with the freezer?
Comic 39  -  Watch out Hybrids...
Comic 40  -  I'm a little teapot...
Comic 41  -  International AIDS Day Special!
Comic 42  -  Get it? Hard Drive protection?
Comic 43  -  North Korea's got the bomb... who's next?
Comic 44  -  "He sees you when you're sleeping..."
Comic 45  -  Stupid return policy...
Comic 46  -  Pants.
Comic 47  -  Mac should have stuck with fruit
Comic 48  -  Further proving Brittany Spears is still stupid.
Comic 49  -  Why again are we skinning cats?
Comic 50  -  ...and so, they called it the dead-man's float
Comic 51  -  You da bomb!
Comic 52  -  Save the insects!
Comic 53  -  One tower really doesn't do much.
Comic 54  -  Vista is strong
Comic 55  -  Doing some rock, eh?
Comic 56  -  Oh, Ashley Simpson.
Comic 57  -  Oh, Anna Nicole Smith.
Comic 58  -  Liberal leave
Comic 59  -  War on Porn
Comic 60  -  What you didn't see in the first bible...
Comic 61  -  Taking gaming too seriously
Comic 62  -  They took my "i"!
Comic 63  -  The case of Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Comic 64  -  Graphics > Content
Comic 65  -  Death to protest death
Comic 66  -  The Piracy Party strikes again!
Comic 67  -  Oh, spam email.
Comic 68  -  Careful, he'll get the belt!
Comic 69  -  The world stops turning...
Comic 70  -  Rebuilding after World War II
Comic 71  -  Choose your therapist wisely
Comic 72  -  I love you!
Comic 73  -  Apple: Think White
Comic 74  -  Think Sparta.
Comic 75  -  I'm peachy!
Comic 76  -  I need that like another hole in my head
Comic 77  -  The new Ritalin!
Comic 78  -  How fast would you jump on that?
Comic 79  -  Quick! Pull a Steve Jobs!
Comic 80  -  Pokemon vs Chernobyl
Comic 81  -  Slim Shady!
Comic 82  -  What goes around, comes around
Comic 83  -  Can't touch 'this'
Comic 84  -  It's hard to lose friends, unless a corn maze is involved
Comic 85  -  GED party, anyone?
Comic 86  -  Carpet cleaners and car pet cleaners aren't the same thing.
Comic 87  -  Hanging with my 'dawgs'
Comic 88  -  Harry Potter 7
Comic 89  -  Ugly is the new beautiful.
Comic 90  -  Ugly Betty is...
Comic 91  -  Disney World is secretly anti-communist
Comic 92  -  Quarantine zone for SARS
Comic 93  -  Target
Comic 94  -  Hook up with our servers
Comic 95  -  That'd make my life... twice.
Comic 96  -  Supercalifragilisticexpeialidocious.
Comic 97  -  We'll personalize your omelet!
Comic 98  -  Gotta love 17 honey(s)...
Comic 99  -  Practice 'til your hands fall off!
Comic 100  -  Dude. That's Crazy.
Comic 101  -  Mac: Think Failure.
Comic 102  -  You can't have Stafford without Staph.
Comic 103  -  Oh eight!
Comic 104  -  Mole day was missed, but a molester is not.
Comic 105  -  Similes and metaphors can screw themselves
Comic 106  -  New standards means new safety devices
Comic 107  -  My bologna has a first name...
Comic 108  -  The Blue Man Group needs to read the labels
Comic 109  -  Walking a mile in someone's shoes may not be the best solution
Comic 110  -  "It just doesn't work!"
Comic 111  -  Joining the wrong activist group
Comic 112  -  The emperor has the best role
Comic 113  -  Photoshop naked
Comic 114  -  They aren't so wiggly after their seizure meds kick in
Comic 115  -  Jack Frost's replacement
Comic 116  -  Nikon verses Daykon
Comic 117  -  Safe drivers
Comic 118  -  No Outlet
Comic 119  -  A little German in your genes
Comic 120  -  Comic subjects that are "obscenely" good
Comic 121  -  Hamster Power!
Comic 122  -  Your first wish...
Comic 123  -  There's lots of ears in a corn field
Comic 124  -  The wrong kind of tablet
Comic 125  -  Your second wish...
Comic 126  -  The truth about the MacBook Air
Comic 127  -  Senioritis is a
Comic 128  -  Outsourcing has gone too far

©2004-2024 Andrew Mussey